Miseration Miseration - Foul Invective

Foul Invective
Witness the madness
Inflicting pain on others
Innocent people dying
Human sacrifice

People mourning for their lost
Carry the lost to the cross
So many broken hopes
This is genocide

Words they preach, I can not relate
Driven blindly by their faith
Justifying acts of hate, in the name of God

Are they justified
Justified to take lives
Captives inside their web of lies

Wrecking the sanctify of life
Harvesting our existence
Only to destroy twisted obsessions

Dark words of power
Incantations from the script
Twisting the message
Revenge is bliss

Human failure
We aree not God

You mortal fools, blinded by faith, turning the message of love into hate
Paradise will not be reached, by taking a life
Hear these words:
There is no release by suicide

I can not relate, by their faith
Acts of hate, in the name of God